Life Physiotherapy Offers Premium Health Care Management Strategies and Physio Treatment for all Physical Health Dysfunction and Pain.

Physiotherapy is a scientific evidence based treatment and management system designed to address pain and resolve injury when the body fails in its role as a mechanical structure. Whether due to trauma, post surgery or mechanical overuse in its multiple forms, physio treatment is a management approach generally directed to the muscles, joints and nerves of the musculoskeletal corpus with the intended outcome of addressing pathology, correcting movement dysfunction and eliminating pain.

Successful physio treatment is achieved primarily through manual techniques, exercise prescription and education.  With the goal of not only curing mechanical or “neuro-musculoskeletal” pain and dysfunction. But designed to empower the individual to take control of their own well being.  Additional physio treatment modalities include the use of tapping and strapping, Ice/Cryotherapy or Heat treatment, electrotherapy and acupuncture.

Post Surgical Rehabilitation & Exercise Therapy — Every Physiotherapy Management program will include and require some form of therapeutic exercise. Exercise therapy is an immensely broad term and the type of exercise you receive will vary not only depending on the specific dysfunction or injury, but also change and progress through your treatment cycle.

Exercises are prescribed and taught as a means of treatment, bodily mechanical systems correction or re-calibration; also for functional progression and the improvement of posture and movement, as well from a prophylactic stand point.

Consult us for your post surgical physiotherapy.  Essential to maximise your rehabilitation after Orthopaedic surgery following bone fractures or joint dislocation.  Soft tissue surgical procedures like shoulder Rotator Cuff repair, Achilles tendon repair or Ligament reconstruction such as the knee ACL.